Hairdressers make it look so easy don't they? They snip away and create beautiful styles with seemless effort. Blowdry with such ease and straighten so perfectly it looks effortless. Well, now we all know it's not so easy!
With so many hair salons closed due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), it certainly became apparent how important hairdressers are in people's lives. That regrowth and those grey hairs (oops...natural blondes) certainly seemed to appear a lot faster than they normally do. Beards were everywhere (& not just on men!). Men looked like they just walked out of the 70's. Women were afraid to go out in public and not just because of the virus - it was just one bad hair day after another. Home haircuts were attempted and may have destroyed a lot of relationships. Overall, it was not a fun time for any of us!
Who didn't miss the time spent relaxing at the salon, having a good chat whilst getting your hair done and then go out to face the day feeling fabulous? We're pretty sure EVERYONE missed the simple pleasure of getting their hair done and it's not an experience that any of us ever want repeated!
Well it's time for you to get back out there, do yourself (& your family!) a favour, support your local hair salons and treat yourself to a Style Cut... Colour... Trim... Waxing.. the Works! The team at Enigma are here to help you look human again, so you can face the world looking and feeling amazing!